Z-6500L Guard Tour System workwith active RFID tags , the reading distance is 5m-15cm . User no need to closecheck spot for data collecting , it is very useful for area where check spotl ocation is secluded , dangerous for human closing and so on. It can be used for mobile guard patrol ,vehicle patrol and tracking ,school,dangerous goods checking and so on.
Features: Z-6500L Guard Tour System
▶ 5 to 15 meters can be adjusting sensing distance
▶ 30 pieces built-in event for user define
▶ LED lighting, can be uased as a torch at night
▶ Device automatic detect the remaining power of the checkpoint
▶ 80,000 pcs mass memorry capacity
▶ 32,000 impact records prevent sabotage effectively
Basic Guard Tour System GPRS Online Guard Patrol System Lisheng Radios
Fingerprint RFID Guard Patrol System GPS RFID Patrol System Camera-Patrol-Radios
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